2 min readMar 29, 2021


On entertainment

All at once and with little warning, that’s how we thought our civilization would end.

Our civilization is not going to end.

It is going to mutate. Change. Perhaps it will go on forever.

It has been said that for the individual, it doesn’t matter either way. A free and equal society is supposed to be the goal. What is the outcome? A drastically strained culture constantly pushed prodded and punished and always entertained.

The budget is endless. The setting is anywhere. The characters are conjured from the minds of lunatic idiots. The plot. Herding. Nurturing. Molding minds.

Anything but unity. Weakness is the key. Poverty is the rule. Money is fake and so are all the stories we love.

The stars grow old and inject their faces with collagen and Botox. New stars are recruited and developed into these things we see prancing everyday.

Marvelous ideas. Made plain for you to see. So accessible.

So delightful. Tear inducing joyful ignorant slop.

Indeed we are the fooled. We cannot wait for the next season.

Please invent more things for me to memorize. Please write another episode filled with forgettable dialogue and unrealistic interaction. I want to see people of my own skin color doing things I will never be able to do.

I want to see heroics! Athleticism. Dangerous stunts with explosions and terror.

I want to be dead but I can’t miss the next installment of the moronic circus I am tethered to.

I am alive now only to view the previews for upcoming releases. I want to devour them all.

Please god give me the strength to go on so I can keep paying for more. How much of my blood can I give so that these artists can keep making glorious content for me?

