13 min readJan 14, 2021


On media and mind. (Hell on Earth)

The daily truth of human existence is an unknowable quantity. It isn’t a number or a feeling. It isn’t an aggregated total of measures or trade deficits. It is something that exists within the experience of each living individual and to some extent, the recently deceased. How can we know what humanity collectively feels or thinks? Surveys and polls are ways that we attempt to quantify what populations think and feel, but when policy is based on these things we are experiencing something else entirely. Rule from imagination land. Law from a fantasy world. Attempting to impose unreal ideas in the real world: this is the most accurate description of modern governmental process. Politics and policy are currently so far removed from the world they attempt to control, that if we could construct a diagram it would be something like a waterbed mattress neatly balanced on a bed of nails and the governments of the world are all standing around it pushing down on one end Pulling up on another and all the while siphoning for themselves. And placing little patches on one little hole at a time. The water in the mattress could be described as money, but it is more accurate to label it as human labor or perhaps misery.

“it is my opinion that government is always a police state, regardless of their intentions or desire to be otherwise”

Government and authority is not capable of kindness or compassion. It’s idea of mercy is a prison cell, and in the modern version it is a probation officer, and even prescription medication.

The world is hell.

Some are burning in the flames while others are stoking them. Some delight in the pain of others and feast heartily. Others dismay at the fate of our kind. There is no war between good and evil. Evil is and always has been triumphant. Good and the fantasy of utopia and peace are as distant as the stars.

The ever flowing information stream is entirely distraction. You are trapped within a trap that is also a trap. Speak up and be condemned or recruited. Fight back and be obliterated from history. Your choice as a citizen is the same as an inmate. Keep your head down. Mind your business. Do what they tell you. You are not to organize any sort of call for change. That is for them to do and allow you to participate. You are not allowed to fight for your rights. They are being protected by the government.

The ludicrous nature of media is self evident. The amount of money, energy, time and attention to detail is staggering when compared to a task as simple as feeding the hungry. The operating principle of the free world has been; let them feed themselves. Or more accurately; let the dead bury the dead.

Government is and always has been a predatory enterprise. The scale to which it has grown and the scope of its powers have gotten, well more than a little exaggerated.

Thanks to countless, movies, books, comics and other fictional works, the powers of authority go deeper into the minds of the people than ever before. And getting stronger and deeper day by day.

Take the show stranger things for example.

Ok it’s the 80s again and we’re in the Cold War and there’s a secret government lab that costs millions upon millions researching dimensional portals or whatever. It steals children and makes them into telepaths. Jesus ever loving Christ.

One of their child-slaves breaks loose and a Benny hill style chase ensues…

Local cop hero punches villainous military scientist in the face.

A working class shrew (played by a former sex object) is reunited with her missing son.

A group of kids gets to witness the awesome power of authority at every turn. Each and every interaction w adults is in some way illustrates how authority is necessary and the consequences are always severe.

This example is a little dated. But I’m told hundred of millions of people watched that show.

It’s the end of 2020 and a lot of new examples have popped up. There was and still is a pandemic supposedly raging world wide. California has shut down their entire economy over it. President trump at first denied the existence of a virus only to later contract it, test positive, and undergo treatment for “COVID”

There are numerous new buzzwords in the infosphere.

Any and all criticism or skepticism of authorities has been successfully labeled as a conspiracy theory and thus placed in the background of all other conversation regarding our situation. What is even more prominent however is articles about celebrity and how they’re dealing with “2020” issues. Masks. Quarantine. Vaccines. First responders. Medical workers. Economic aid. Stimulus.

There was also a huge movement for racial justice following a very public incident of police using unnecessary force to detain a person and ended up killing him. Note: this happens almost all the time in every major city and it is still happening despite the great effort given to bring awareness to the problem.

The fact that the media and infosphere was awash with pictures and stories of protest and anger prior to the election and suddenly afterward is only treating it as a side note is not surprising at all. Civil unrest hurts the image of the incumbent no matter their real views.

Again it is my view that no one in power is to be trusted by those with none.

I would guess that the inflated importance of the movement served to move a portion of the population to vote differently or not at all. Perhaps it was all happening innocently and without influence from major political groups.

A group of police kills an unarmed man while he was already handcuffed and the country gets angry and wants it to stop. That does make sense.

The timing though is puzzling.

It is interesting to note that during this time there have been fewer massacres drawing attention to gun violence and subsequent legislation being introduced banning this or that type of weapon. For some reason people are not going on senseless killing sprees as often during a pandemic. Even though the sales of firearms has drastically increased during this period, people just haven’t been as trigger happy it would seem.

The threat of international terrorism has all but disappeared during this time.

Looming nuclear war and mutually assured destruction has been taken off the table for the moment.

Government appears to be at war with itself. Infighting seems to be the norm.

Life in the modern world. Consciousness in this particular time, is a problem of conflicting world views and contradictory statements of fact. How are we as individuals to reconcile what the truth is or is not?

Over a decade ago there was a request by DARPA for new narratives.

Fresh ideas on how to explain where we are going and why.

Supposedly we are all under threat of immanent viral infection. If you contract it, you could have no symptoms, but could spread it unknowingly to someone you care about, and it could kill them.

This is definitely a new narrative.

We are all in danger. The danger is invisible and undetectable. You should do whatever you are told to do. Think of your family. You could potentially kill them by being careless.

It is something to behold, the shutdown of a national/world economy. Tourism. Schools. Malls. Concerts. Universities. Holiday gatherings. All irrevocably changed instantly.

For better or worse?

Are we doing anything right?

Is there a right or wrong?

What if anything is the moral imperative in this situation?

How do we think about money when the entire population is at stake?

Our minds are what has changed. We have ingested media’s concoction and our thoughts are different because of what it contains.

Reality has not altered, but rather our interpretation of it. What is happening is that more and more the uniformity of the concoction, the effect of the spell, the virulent plague of diluted and distorted information mixed with opinion has infected every aspect of our culture in such a short period of time that we are almost unaware of it. Even being aware of it is not enough to stop it.

Anyone can deny that there are ghosts, because there has never been any evidence of a ghost. Ghosts are imaginary. No one can deny the existence of an invisible virus, because there have been viruses before and their effects have been demonstrated.

A trap within a trap. No escape. Just deeper into the trap.

Listening to them at all is poisonous.

But you have no choice it seems. Lonely, afraid and disconnected, they reach out to you with bright white smiles and “new narratives”. Adapted your favorite comic books and novels into gripping hour long dramas with 13 episodes per season and a star studded cast.

Endless articles about celebrities and their relationships, beauty tips and workout regimens and diet advice.

Look at the beautiful couple and their newborn child. They’re managing to keep their sanity through this difficult time and so can you. They’re just like you.

In the past I had wished that humanity would have rejected the artificial heart it had been given by its self ordained leaders.

I once had hope that there would be a reckoning.

I no longer feel this way.

I know that the hole goes much deeper than this.

I believe we are long past being trapped and that we are all in the elevator together going down.

what level of hell we will arrive at is no longer relevant. We are complicit entirely and we will be the ones to torment the next generation with these stories.

We will continue our decent into madness until all light has been extinguished, true hope abandoned and freedom removed from our minds entirely.

Even now we do not recognize ourselves.

It is already too late to turn back.

It doesn’t matter if you agree or disagree.

There is nothing you can do.

Dominion surrounds you.

Powerless are we all.

Civil disobedience? Useless.

Labor strike? Laughable

Armed insurgency? Pointless, empty threat.

Underground resistance? Getting out of the elevator and stepping into a rat maze.

How can you resist what you need to survive.

There is no end to this hell.

Your soul is trapped here with everyone else’s and your fate is theirs. Their fate is yours. Your death is certain, but your very being will be annihilated long before that.

Humanity’s tale is the tale of Woe.

Sorrow and misery have a new look now.

Streaming now on 200 different platforms in as many languages.

Onward still. How deep does it go? Well at a certain point, depending on your socio-economic status and relative breeding, it doesn’t fucking matter.

You will be insulted. Derided. Fooled. Diminished and discarded. You will realize that you are not a necessary part of anything relating to reality, and that your needs actually take from the wealthy benefactors who could, if they desired, decide to end your suffering one way of the other. It is my opinion that they, your betters, enjoy the suffering of others and are far too depraved in this pleasure to be honest about it. Being openly sadistic requires the consent and presence of a willing participant to satisfy ones urges, and they just wouldn’t have as much fun.

The public wouldn’t accept being the unwilling victims of the predatory class. At least not openly.

The fact that this is actually the case remains unspoken at most dinner tables. Try sometime to bring it up in casual conversation and I promise you will be rebuked immediately if not violently.

They’re feeding on our souls.

Our lives are their food.

Without us they are nothing, but we are multitudinous , and so they are strong.

Someday… a reckoning? A swift and violent end to the torment of daily life struggles?


More entertaining. More star studded casts. More fiction and fantasy. More bullshit. Make believe. More automation. Isolation.

We are already so far from freedom.

What will it look like in 20 years?

Expect to be dissatisfied, but hopeful.

Expect more inclusive and relatable content.

Expect more celebrity outreach.

Expect anything about revolution or dissent to be entirely fictional.

There is no hope for us.

Our generation is firmly planted in this mechanism. It would require almost total annihilation to overcome our simple bondage. Money, lack of it, resources and our lack of access. Communication is impossible while everyone quibbles over nonsense.

Arguments that lead to nothing. Solve nothing. Going nowhere.

Do you not feel the teeth at your neck?

Do you not feel your life being wasted as a meal for the rich?

I have many days when I don’t feel it at all.

The beauty and joy inherent to life on earth has been bottled and sold back to you.

What makes life worth living? The survival instinct is so strong that we will endure almost anything to keep on living. Knowing this drive is nearly infinite, they plunder our souls at will. They can feed indefinitely without fear of reprisal.

You cannot trust reports of revolution when they’re being spouted from the mouths of those entrenched in the establishment.

Trust that they’re false.

Think hard about why these things are being talked about at all.

We are the superfluous.

The excess baggage of the modern state.

Individually we mean almost nothing. Carry no weight.

As a population we must be educated, nurtured and given tasks to complete. Why? Genocide is admission of failure to adhere to the gradualist doctorine.

Every open war is a result of failure of the mechanisms of social control.

Open war is off the table.

Too much destruction.

They’ve built such a grand scheme. We are as a group, an unfortunate necessity. It isn’t going to stop.



Peculiar Methods of Deception:

Infinite Placation

Automated Memetic Production

The myth of self reliance.

Stealthocracy. (Rule by secrecy and deception)

All is conspiracy. No truth is permitted.

No one must know who is in charge. ( this has never been more evident than in 2020) leaders have been unable to lead. Problems grow to bigger problems. Solutions cause more problems. All encompassed within an ever growing framework of media and economic restrictions.

(Preventing conflagration by lighting small fires and being seen to extinguish them publicly)

No group can ever be allowed to form that openly opposes both parties.

Why has there never been a third option? Or a fourth?

The two parties work in concert to maintain control. Even just a semblance of control is preferable to relinquishing it entirely.

All opposition is drowned out by money and media.

*** the why

Why do predators do what they do?

In human society they have been forced to work together because the human spirit wishes above all to be free and happy. To live truthfully and with joy.

This is antithetical to the pleasure received from extricating wealth and power from populations. Individuals are therefore recruited or terminated.

Groups are infiltrated and discredited.

The predatory groups are unofficial and always changing. Their instinctual methods are extortion, blackmail, intimidation, murder, imprisonment, etc.

They will never repent. There is no error to their ways. Their lack of conscience and empathy is your daily struggle. You are beneath them. They are the owl and you are the mouse.

Until. Daylight comes…

Until the mouse grows teeth and claws…

Until our right to exist supersedes theirs?

Or is it until our will to live free obliterates their ability to control and prey upon us…

We are very much alone now. Vulnerable and ill informed. Ever the abused child. Soon to grow up and become abusers ourselves. Anything to escape the struggle. To be on the winning side.

It would be fantastic. But it will never be so.

Fated. Doomed. Nihilistic tendencies from generations of bred obedience. Marched to war. So many lives for their fortunes. So many souls to their altar.

Always the enemy remains hidden. Shrouded in money. Cloaked in anonymity. The idea of organizing against it is ruined. Each person you meet is newly confused. Confusion is normal. The will to fight overshadowed by the instinct to survive.

Law only applies to the weak. Only to the poor. Only to the masses. Only to the unfortunate. To become powerful you must forsake your virtues and all others. You must become loathsome, horrible, and fearsome.

They sleep easy knowing you’ll never be one of them. Monstrous. Your very decency is your weakness. And so the world stays in the hands of the wicked forever and ever. Behind every smile might be the knowledge of this evil game. How could you know? Knowing is either a death sentence or a job you can’t refuse.

Is it possible you’re being tricked into thinking you’re in a different reality? What if nothing you knew was actually true? What if you only thought you knew things? Paranoia? Skepticism? Disbelief? What if it’s all a game? It’s questions like these that religion attempts to answer for you.

It has been a long time. And the masses have not been led to salvation. We have been led here, to this point in time. Where all appears to be in chaos, but isn’t. Food still on the shelves. Money moves in and out of banks. Credit reports are on time. Your rating matters still.

Of all the things there are to fear, only other humans and their intentions are what are most likely to harm you.



Man in his mistreatment of his fellow man deserves loathing. If there are any left alive to observe the deception. If there are any who aren’t under one of the many spells meant to distract and nullify.

But even if there were…

Even if they could conceive of the evils wrought against them…

Would they have the fortitude to endure the consequences?

The zoo does not free animals who desire not to be in captivity.

The zoo designs even more clever enclosures.

The owners of the zoo are never close to the animals.

It might seem contrite or unimaginative to compare us to animals in a zoo.

Too easy right?

Maybe so, but think hard about how you eat. When we lived off the land we were at least responsible for our own nourishment. That responsibility has been taken from us generations ago. We are responsible for paying our own way, in an economy that we have no control over, working jobs that are alien to our natures.

I’m convinced that the entirety of it is planned, and that it’s reasoning is completely misanthropic. We are aware of our nature and therefore able to create ways to counteract it. Which in turn creates its own set of problems. Psychology, economics and sociology are all relatively young disciplines, and they exist to mitigate the resulting problems of taming humanity. The human captive. The willing worker. The contended servant. The civilian. Science will only publish what makes sense within the framework of ownership and workers. Freedom is simply not a part of the equation. Your needs will be met by your society and you’ll accept it or be subjected to things worse than having a job and paying your rent.

They’ve (we) already made it so that if you aren’t employed then you are miserable and undesirable.

We have accepted this as fact our entire lives.

There is no thought given to whether this is actually true. Are people who don’t want to work really bad people? Are they a drain on society? Are we not capable of producing a surplus great enough to feed the world?

This is the biggest question of our time? With instantaneous communication, automated farming and harvesting, global shipping capabilities and endless energy resources, how is it we have not arrived at a solution to poverty and hunger?

When we see it we should know it.

Poverty and hunger are your motivation.

People must be poor and hungry so that others will join in the fight against it and the game goes on ad infinitum.

Civilization has always been this way. It is almost a miracle that you even exist, and yet you are here to be motivation for those higher up in the game than yourself. It is constantly a problem of numbers, but the solution is always arbitrary and unfair. Always feeds the top. Always presses downward.

Annual growth rate

Annual birth rate

Annual death rate

